Map & Data Resources

By Margaret Moslander | Infrastructure, Role of government
As time goes on, it is ever easier to forget the legacy of the Public Works Administration, one of the signature initiatives of the New Deal. But that legacy lives on, embedded in the fabric of communities all through the United States. Using data gathered from the National Archives, this visualization examines the scope and type of projects built in New York State — assistance that cost over $6 billion in 2011 inflation-adjusted dollars. The viz is accompanied by two photo essays of various projects built in New York City. More
By Mike Alberti | Banking
The Financial Stability Board recently deemed 29 banks to be “globally systemically important financial institutions,” including eight U.S. banks. Most of those banks have gotten bigger since the end of 2008. Use these tools to compare the assets of these banks over time. More
By Mike Alberti | Employment
Easy ways to visualize not only the large numbers of unemployed workers, but underemployed, "marginally attached," and "discouraged" workers as well. More
By Craig Gurian | NYC
Peaks and valleys across agencies and across the decades. More
By Mike Alberti | Corporate influence, Globalization, Labor
Average hourly manufacturing production wages have languished in real terms for almost 40 years as income share at top has skyrocketed. More
By Craig Gurian | Children, Poverty
Unless you live in California, Texas, New York, or Florida...yes. And both the number of children in poverty and the child poverty rate has risen from 2002 to 2010. Racial and ethnic disparities that loomed large in 2002 are even more dramatic now. More
By Margaret Moslander | Government services, Role of government
When taking into account the growing size of the population, most parts of the federal civilian workforce are effectively much smaller than they were in 1978. More
By Abby Ferla | Employment, Labor
General Motors and the United Auto Workers just agreed on a new four-year contract. What began as an experiment in 2007 — establishing a two-tier wage structure, with new workers having a significantly lower starting wage and maximum wage than their predecessors — has apparently become a more permanent part of the landscape (at least through 2015). Remapping Debate puts the pay levels in context with inflation-adjusted data going back 50 years. For new workers, it is worse than it has been for virtually all of that period. More
