
By Heather Rogers | Health care, Role of government
Dr. Steffie Woolhandler, a practicing internist, and co-founder and board member of Physicians for a National Health Program, discusses her view of the inadequacies in the way health care is provided and paid for in the United States and critiques the the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Massachusetts health care reform on which it is modeled. In the interview, she also explains what she sees as the destructive concept of forcing patients to have more "skin in the game." More
By Kevin C. Brown | Poverty
An interview with Professor Maurice Isserman, Michael Harrington's biographer, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Harrington's landmark examination of poverty in America. More
By Kevin C. Brown | Elections, History, Politics
Sophia Rosenfeld, a professor of history at the University of Virginia, discusses “Common Sense: A Political History” as part of the History for the Future project, now being hosted by Remapping Debate. Rosenfeld examines how politicians have used and abused the term “common sense” over a long period of time, and why appeals to common sense need to be scrutinized carefully. More
By Craig Gurian | Education, History
NYU history professor Thomas Bender, who has written extensively on the past and future of the profession, discusses how the discipline's current insistence that the only successful outcome of doctoral education is a research-oriented academic career ill-serves students, the profession, and society at large. More
By Craig Gurian | Cultural values
There is an epidemic of cheating in virtually every area of American life. David Callahan, the author of "The Cheating Culture: Why More Americans Are Doing Wrong to Get Ahead," describes the ugly reality and explains the factors behind the problem. Callahan was a founder of Demos, the public policy advocacy organization based in New York, and is currently a Senior Fellow at Demos. More
By Mike Alberti | Economy
A “century of progress” separates Asian Americans in New Jersey and Native Americans in South Dakota. Indeed, probing beyond GDP to assess the nation's progress, “The Measure of America" finds numerous and substantial gender, racial, ethnic, and geographic disparities. Remapping Debate interviews Sarah Burd-Sharps — co-director of the American Human Development Project and co-author of "The Measure of America” series — to discuss these gaps, how they came about, and what policy-makers can do to close them. More
