June 12, 2013 — If American corporations are, as the Supreme Court ruled in 2010, citizens entitled to free speech and other rights from the nation, what corresponding obligations to the nation do...view
Original Reporting
Original Reporting
Alternative models, Infrastructure, Transportation
May 22, 2013 — Visitors to the United States are often shocked by the paucity of robust public transportation systems in most of its cities. In many places, there is no public transportation system...view
Original Reporting
Legislation, Open government
May 22, 2013 — Last month, we reported on the fact that most Senate Democrats hide when asked about ending the cap on income that is subject to Social Security taxes. This month, we decided to try to...view
Original Reporting
Aging, Poverty, Social Security
Note: Important additional reporting is available by clicking on each of the “dig deeper” boxes that appear throughout the article. If you prefer to view the article in Remapping Debate’s...view
Original Reporting
Alternative models, History
April 24, 2013 — Imagine this headline: “House of Representatives approves proposal for guaranteed annual income by wide margin.” The passage of that kind of social welfare measure sounds wholly...view
Original Reporting
Alternative models, History
April 24, 2013 — Imagine this headline: “House of Representatives approves proposal for guaranteed annual income by wide margin.” The passage of that kind of social welfare measure sounds wholly...view
Original Reporting
Social Security, Taxes
April 10, 2013 — For all the talk of the Social Security system running out of money, it is well established that raising or eliminating the cap on the wages subject to payroll taxes would guarantee...view
Original Reporting
Reproductive health services
March 13, 2013 — As Remapping Debate previously reported, the number of state-based restrictions on abortions has increased significantly over the last two years. Defining a “scarcity” of abortion...view
Original Reporting
Health care, Insurance, Quality of life
Feb. 27, 2013 — If there is a single message that has come to dominate the debate over health care in the United States in the last several years, it is that Americans are receiving too much of it....view
Original Reporting
Corporate influence, Health care, Insurance
Feb. 20, 2013 — The “New Democrats” of the 1990s — those who thought the Democratic Party should move further to the right and position itself as a “centrist” alternative to the GOP — promoted a...view