
“Harvest of Loneliness: The Bracero Program”

| By Kevin C. Brown |

April 3, 2012 — Vivian Price is an assistant professor of interdisciplinary studies at California State University, Dominguez Hills, and the co-producer, along with Gilbert Gonzalez and Adrian Salinas, of a new documentary film called, “Harvest of Loneliness: The Bracero Program.”

The film examines the Bracero Program, a guest-worker system run by the U.S. government between 1942 and 1964 that brought Mexican workers across the border to labor on large factory farms around the country. At its peak, the program recruited some 500,000 Mexican workers a year. The film explores the trials faced by the migrants who participated in the Bracero Program, and the interview with Price considers the legacy of the system, including calling into question the wisdom of a new, expanded guest-worker program.

Note: The above dateline refers to this interview’s original airdate on WRCT-Pittsburgh. It was uploaded unchanged to Remapping Debate in February 2013.

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